About Us
Boudicca’s Boutique allows our customers to purchase replicas of artifacts similar to those seen in the ancient worlds. Headquartered in Galway, Ireland, we focus primarily on the replication of statues and busts that would have been seen or used by powerful figures in antiquity. Julius Caesar stated “Veni, vidi, vici” which translated means “I came, I saw, I conquered”, Boudicca’s Boutique plans on doing just that.
In a recently personality quiz, it said I was creative, insightful and inspiring. They are the three traits that I not only have but that I want my store to have also! Boudicca's Boutique can take people on a journey through the amazing world of ancient history. From fierce barbarian queens to corrupt Emperors to the every day peasant, I aim to give customers a taste of Antiquity.
Boudicca's Boutique has been trading online since late 2014 and currently ships items to over 20 different countries. Please follow us on Twitter and Facebook and watch out for us at antique roadshows.